.. REBOUNDx documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Nov 29 14:22:27 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: images/hlTau.png :width: 200px :height: 200px .. image:: images/GR.png :width: 200px :height: 200px .. image:: images/nodePrecession.png :width: 200px :height: 200px Welcome ======= REBOUNDx (eXtras) allows you to easily incorporate additional physics into your REBOUND N-body integrations. The main documentation to refer back to is the :ref:`effects` page. Each effect links to both a Python and C example demonstrating its use. If you are using REBOUNDx for the first time check out the quickstart guides below with installation instructions. If you clone the repository at `https://github.com/dtamayo/reboundx `_ you can load and run all the jupyter notebook examples locally (under reboundx/ipython_examples) as well as the C examples (under reboundx/examples. In the terminal you can run the example in each folder with ``make clean && make && ./rebound``). Also see the 'saving and loading simulations' examples for how to save a REBOUNDx binary with effects and parameters. For an overview of the technical details and some practical recommendations, see `Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez (2019) `_. Get Started! ------------ REBOUNDx is written in C, but we also provide a convenient Python wrapper (that's just as fast). :ref:`python_quickstart` :ref:`c_quickstart` Attribution ----------- If you find this code useful in your research, we have tried to structure the :ref:`effects` documentation in a way that makes it easy to credit the various people who have contributed, and for others to reproduce your results. For example 'We incorporated a constant time-lag model of tides \\citep{Hut81} using the \\textt{tides_constant_time_lag} implementation (Baronett et al., {\\em in prep.}) in {\\textsc \\tt REBOUNDx 3.1.0} \\citep{Tamayo19}. The relevant such ADS links for each effect are provided in :ref:`effects`. Contribute ---------- REBOUNDx is a flexible framework for including new effects. You worry about incorporating the physics, and REBOUNDx takes care of how various effects should interact with the different integrators in REBOUND. :ref:`add_effect` provides a tutorial on how to do that. Please consider contributing your effects, so we can continue to build up an efficient and well-tested repository. The documentation structure in :ref:`effects` makes it easy for people to cite your particular implementation! Issues ------ I am always happy to answer questions or otherwise help out. If you have problems, please open an issue on the GitHub page at `https://github.com/dtamayo/reboundx `_ .. toctree:: :numbered: :hidden: effects python_quickstart c_quickstart c_api c_examples add_effect